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How the Bible Says Christians Should Give. Giving with Intentionality according to Bible Scripture

by Christina Eve


What is the right way to give? How much should I give? Is God pleased with me and the way that I give? Should I be giving more? Am I giving too much?


All these questions about giving can actually be answered in one verse of the Bible.


So let’s dive into today’s topic: Giving with Intentionality - How the Bible Says Christians Should Give.


Have you ever thought about your giving style?

Do you wait until someone asks you for something and then give it. Do you anticipate the needs of others and give proactively? Do you wait until no on is watching and then secretly give to people?


Now I don’t want you to think this is a trick question. The fact is that it’s a good thing to be giving regardless of what your giving style is. But know that the Bible is very clear about how to give in order for God to be pleased.


2 Corinthians 9:7

NIV - “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

KJV - Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

There are two important parts of this scripture:

  • Give what you have decided in your heart beforehand

  • AND give cheerfully


That is why today we are attaching the words ”with intentionality” to the back of giving.


I learned a very important lesson from Betenia Bolden when she was a guest on ShineSessions - And if you keep up with the YouTube channel, you probably remember the stories she shared about setting something aside to give to someone else. Well, I’ve literally thought about that sense our conversation. And after doing some studying, I found out that all this time I’ve been giving compulsively.

I have been quoting the part of the scripture that says, "God loves a cheerful giver" without actually understanding what it meant.

Here is where I made the mistake:

There were times I was in a bad mood, so I would wait until I felt cheerful to actually give -thinking that I was living out the scripture… and I missed the part of the verse that came before that. Decide in your heart or purpose in your heart what to give.


What I now understand:

Giving should be a proactive part of being a Christian. 

I should be in communion with God during the week and decide in advance what I am going to put into church offering before getting there on Sunday.


I should set something aside so that when I have an opportunity to do good, the Holy Spirit will tell me when and to whom to release it.

I should keep extra food in my house, or buy two of something with the mindset to give it away to someone else.


There aren’t many Bible verses that say God loves something. We know that God is love and that God loves us, but this scripture talks about an action we can do to make God smile and that is to be a person who gives cheerfully and with intentionality.


Giving is not just something we do during birthdays, holidays, or on Sundays. Giving should be year round.


If you are looking for ways to make God smile with your life. Just like how you set aside 10% of your earnings for tithes, set aside something to give to someone else so that you are intentional about being ready to do something that shows God that you love Him and that you trust Him. We are blessed to be a blessing… and the Bible verse before this one talks about how God multiplies what we give and gives us more.


Don’t give to be seen, and don’t give just so that God can give you more. Give to show God’s love at the right time, to the right person or organization. Give with intentionality.


Remember that today is a new day. A day where you and I have been given the opportunity to choose better, love stronger, and shine brighter than the day before.

ShineStrong LiveLong.

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